Every sexual harassment trainer, lawyer, and probably person on the street will tell you it is illegal to retaliate against someone who reports sexual harassment. Yet most people who experience harassment do not report it. Studies say 44% of women experience harassment at work, but only a fraction of those women report it. Instead, they put up with lewd comments, propositions and touching. They deflect and avoid their harassers while looking for … [Read more...]
COVID-19: MN Unemployment Insurance Benefit Changes
Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Benefit Changes Under the Governor’s Emergency Executive Order during the COVID-19 Emergency The COVID-19 pandemic has caused hardships of every kind from an inability to interact with loved ones to the shuttering of our favorite restaurants. Among the most unnerving consequences, however, is the sudden loss of a job. Thankfully, federal, state and local governments are stepping into the crisis to provide relief. … [Read more...]
What is Quid pro Quo Sexual Harassment?
Your manager at work has been flirting with you, and you have laughed it off as no big deal. Recently, at a work event, he told you he has you in mind for a promotion. When you ask him for more information, he tells you the only reason he would recommend you for the job is that he wants you to report to someone else so he can date you. When you tell him you are not interested in dating, he drops all mention of a promotion. You have just … [Read more...]
Being Paid Less Than Your Male Coworker? Here’s What To Do.
Recognize you are not alone If you are a woman and you are being paid less than men that are doing the same work, you are not alone. Even though the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 have prohibited pay discrimination in Minneapolis for more than 50 years, gender pay disparities persist. The gap between men and women exists in every state, every occupation, and every educational level. Women who work full time … [Read more...]
3 Reasons to Choose a Local Employment Lawyer
You are having problems at work. Out of the blue, your new manager has put you on a performance improvement plan, or you just found out you are being paid $20,000 less than the male manager who had the job before you. You google employment lawyer and come up with hits from all over the country. Should you dial that 1-800 number, or look for someone local? Most of the time, you are better off with a top-notch lawyer from your own area. Here are … [Read more...]